
No bwino bwino

Not making sense

July 29, 2019

Imiti iikula, e mpanga.

Growing trees make a forest.

Today's youths are the future nation.

bemba Imiti,
September 16, 2019

Umwana ashenda, atasha nyina ukunaya.

A child that does not travel praises its mother as being the best cook.

A person who has not traveled thinks that his home or country is the best in the world.

bemba Travel Umwana Nyina
September 16, 2019

Mayo mpapa, na ine nkakupapa.

Mother carry me, I too will carry you.

The young have an obligation to look after the aged ones in the same manner as these took care of them when they were young.

bemba Mayo Mpapa Young Carry
September 16, 2019

Uwakalema, takaleka.

He who has a defect cannot put it aside.

It is difficult for a person to abandon a bad habit.

bemba Habbit
September 18, 2019

Uwakwensho bushiku, bamutasha ilyo bwaca

He who escorts you at night is thanked at dawn.

Help that is resisted when things are still tough is normally valued and appreciated when the task is accomplished.

September 18, 2019

Ubunang'ani, tabulisha kasuma.

Laziness does not enable one to something good.

People should work hard in order to lead good lives.

bemba Laziness
September 18, 2019

Cimbwi wa mwenso, alikotele.

A cowardly hyena lived up to an old age.

People who are cautious usually avoid unnecessary such as expulsion from school, dismissal from employment or even premature death.

bemba cimbwi
September 18, 2019

Icaisa ulubilo, bacikonka ulubilo.

A thing that comes fast must be pursued just as fast.

An urgent thing/task must be given prompt attention.

bemba Ulubilo
September 18, 2019

Akaboko, kakonka akabiye.

A little arm follows another.

A person gets help from those he helps.

bemba Akaboko
September 18, 2019

Umukaka, bakama ku ifyele.

Milk is procured from a cow which has a calf.

Begging and/or the seeking of advice must be restricted to those with possessions and/or the necessary knowledge.

bemba Umukaka
September 18, 2019

Pilikiti, tanasha fikali.

A frantic struggle does not cool down serious situations.

Serious matters need a calm approach.

bemba Pilikiti
September 18, 2019

Bombela umo bombela, amenso ya bantu tay

Do as you always do, people's eyes do not eat.

It is better to lead one's natural way of life than to follow other people's bad ways just for the sake of conformity.

bemba Bombela
September 18, 2019

Apali umunwe, e pali ibala.

Where there is a finger, there is a cultivated field.

Success is a result of hard work and determination.

bemba Umunwe
September 18, 2019

Abalya imbulu, balapalamana.

Those who eat water monitors are found close to each other.

People with common interests always interact.

bemba Imbulu
September 18, 2019

Umwana kasembe, nga kakukoma wabula wako

A child is an axe, when it cuts you, you still pick it up and put it on your shoulder.

A parent does not forsake their child even if the child offends him greatly.

bemba Kasembe Umwana
September 18, 2019

Mumbwe ukulila, pali uko ashintile amata

For a jackal to bark there must be something on which it has placed its buttocks.

Some people act arrogantly or stubbornly because they have powerful backing nearby.

bemba Mumbwe
September 18, 2019

Mukolwe pa kukula, epo afuna ipindo.

A cock breaks its wing when it is growing.

People face a lot of danger during their youth.

bemba Mukolwe
September 18, 2019

Uupamfiwe, e ulwa ne cibi.

The anxious person fights with the door.

People with problems take the initiative to get them solved.

bemba Uupamfiwe
September 18, 2019

Umukulu tapusa kebo, apusa akabwe.

An adult or elderly person does not miss a word, he misses a stone.

The old always have good advice.

bemba Umukulu
September 18, 2019

Uwanga no mwele, akafwa ku mwele .

He who delights in the knife will die by the knife.

A person’s excessive indulgence in crime, or some kind of reckless behavior, will lead to his death or ruin.

bemba Knife Mwele
September 21, 2019

Bangilila,mulamba talatulula

Start early before the floods come.

Effect some remedy before the thing gets worse.

bemba Mulamba Floods
September 21, 2019

Uwauma nafyala,amumina limo.

He who beats his mother-in-law beats her thoroughly.

Commission of an offence does not depend on the degree of damage the offence makes,but on the act of commission of the offence in question.

bemba Uwauma
September 21, 2019


The first act does not make one cry.

A person who disappoints a friend,e.g. by not assisting him when in greet need,usually finds himself in great pain and bitterly complaining, when the friend acts towards him in a similar or worse manner later on.

bemba Akatanshi
September 21, 2019

Imbwa ya mukali,taicenjela.

A dog belonging to a harsh master does not become wise.

Imposition of strict or extreme discipline is counterproductive.

bemba Imbwa
September 21, 2019

Umwana ashumfwa,amenene umwefu kwi koshi

A child who does not listen grew a beard at the back of the head.

A person who does not follow other people’s advice runs into trouble.

bemba Umwana
September 21, 2019

Umulandu wa mubiyo,cibashilo ca mupini.

Your friend’s case is an occasion to make a handle of an axe,or a hoe.

A person should help others in trouble; since he too will be trouble in due course.

bemba Umulandu
September 21, 2019

Akafupa utemenwe, e kakusha imicene.

A small bone you like could leave you toothless.

Excessive indulgence in a thing is harmful.

bemba Akafupa Imicene
September 21, 2019


Buttocks. The word is commonly used to refer to a lady's behind.

January 11, 2020


Get out of here, an expression mostly used by someone who doesn't want your presence

bemba urban,
January 22, 2020


literally means small animals but used as slang when relating to porn in a conversation in public. E.g. "aletamba utunama mu class umu girls ulya!"

bemba slang
March 19, 2020

ubucushi bupa amano

poverty brings about ingenuity.

when you are going through a hard time, you think of ways to make your life better.

bemba poverty
April 3, 2020



May 11, 2021

Uwa mabele talangwa nshila

April 2, 2024

Uwa mabele talangwa nshila

April 2, 2024


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